Saturday, May 28, 2011

Turkey Day 4- Ephesus and Miletus

     When speaking of the New Testament, one cannot overestimate the importance of Ephesus. It was the place  where Paul lived for 2 years as a missionary. The book of Ephesians is addressed to the people there. It is also the place where John the Beloved lived and where he wrote 1,2,3 John as well as the Gospel of John. The events and writings that took place there have affected millions of people worldwide in the last 2,000 years.
     Ephesus has been preserved quite well and the famous Census Library is still standing. The best part of Ephesus was going to the huge theatre that seats 25,000 people. Right outside of the theatre there were actors reenacting some gladiatorial games. The Olympic music was blasting and it was a way sweet sight to see. I was so pumped up. The theatre is also the site in Acts 19:26-41 where many artisans and craftsman where mad at Paul for preaching against idol worship. They gathered in the theatre and shouted, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!” Diana was the goddess whose temple was located in Ephesus. When we went to the theatre we all sat down and tried to reenact the scene and we all shouted, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!” There were lots of tourists around who gave us weird looks. After our reenactment, the 80 of us students went down to the stage area and sang “All Creatures of Our God and King.” After we sang all of the other tourists there clapped for us.
     After Ephesus we drove to Miletus. Miletus is the site where Paul stopped on his third and last missionary journey. He called elders of the church from around the area and had kind of a farewell. He said that it would be the last time that they would see him and they wept sore, and fell on his neck, and kissed him (Acts 20:36-38). To commemorate this event, we sang, “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.”

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